Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Big assignment completed... minus the introduction and conclusion (I hope those weren't due).

Little assignments WOULD have been done last night... however, I have a really stupid Internet Provider, so my internet crashed until about 10 minutes ago. Little assignments complete.


Need to leave to Utah at 11:00 (It's 9:30).
Need to go to the bank first.
And fill up the truck (ahhh, that will cost like 65 bucks).

And buy some day quil (damn cold).


Okay, I am stressed... which is why I'm writing this lame blog. It is helping me get organized. I hope I don't forget anything.

I will be in Utah for a week. No internet in the mountains.... :)

1 comment:

Abby said...

What are you going to do in Utah? I sort of want to visit this summer... I won't do it, but it's a nice fantasy. Are you going to be in Utah again later in the summer? Hm... I'd want to see you if I visited. In any case, have fun! And yeah, the internet is a great way to deal with stress by, um, procrastinating.