Sunday, April 29, 2012

The BIG 3-0

In 3 short months I will turn 30… I know this isn’t a big scary number to be afraid of, but it is a number that makes me contemplate where I have been and where I’m going. It feels like yesterday that I was outside playing with friends without a care in the world.. Now I have bills and worries and a kiddo and life isn’t just about playing. But I do want to make my 30th year on earth a great one. It is a milestone of sorts… I made lists of things I wanted to do before 30… The list:

1) Go to Africa to work in an orphanage.
2) Learn a foreign language.
3) Own a Mustang (Car not horse)
4) Have my Master's Degree.
5) Run a marathon
6) Live on my own (hahahaha, sad that that made the list)
7) Have more than 127 dollars in my savings account.
8) Go on a cruise (conquer my fear of the ocean)
9) Finish my book.
10) "quit" therapy.

11) Skydive

12) Visit every state in the US


I think it’s pretty miraculous that I have completed 3/12… I mean, come on… going to Africa? I can’t accomplish that in the next 3 months. And that is okay! This isn’t an end all list, more of a bucket list.

When I was 10, I was a kid that loved sports and being a tomboy and babysitting. When I was 20 I was married. Now I’m going to be 30 and I am a successful, independent woman and I want to find out what that means and what my true goals are. Stay tuned. This is the year of 30!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


18. My mom stands up for what she believes in. She stands her ground and doesn’t put up with injustice.

19. My mom helps me parent… I admit that sometimes I am not a good mommy… Parker gets on my nerves, and back talks, and does things that upset me. My mom helps me put things in perspective. She is a good mom, and has had a lot of practice!

20. My mom is responsible and has taught me to be responsible. Bills first, play later.

21. My mom gives me GREAT advice! She always has, even though as a younger person I didn’t always welcome that great advice. Smile

22. My mom included my dad in family parties, holidays, etc.… even though they were divorced. She knows the value of kids having their dad in their lives.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

9 days behind

Okay, so apparently life got in the way… I’m 9 days behind on loving my mom.

9. I love that my mom is such an honest person. She has always taught me that honesty is the best policy!

10. I love that my mom knows each of her kids and grandkids so deeply. She knows exactly what we need, and when we need it!

11. I love that my mom laughs at my silly jokes and stories! She listens to me ALL the time and makes me feel so great about myself!

12. My mom has always helped me see myself as a beautiful person. If I say something negative about myself, she corrects me and reminds me that I’m smart and beautiful and awesome!

13. My mom tells me secrets.

14. My mom types super fast! I know that is a weird thing to love… but for some reason the sound of typing reminds me of my mom. So anytime I’m typing or hear someone typing I automatically think of my awesome mom!

15. I love my mom’s hair. Honestly, if I have to go gray before 35, I want her color!

16. I love all the memories of trips with my mom. We have gone to Mexico, California, New Mexico, Oregon, etc… Oregon was SO much fun with her! We are so compatible when it comes to vacation! She was a lot of fun even when I was puking sick in Mexico Smile

17. I love that my mom respects all people, regardless of their differences in religion or politics or whatever it may be.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8th

Happy Easter!

Well, day 8 of loving my mom. I really loved that she went to a Disney matinee AND came to Sushi with us… She isn’t a big fan of matinees because the kids kind of ruin the show with all their endless babble… but surprisingly this one went well. There were only a handful of kids in the theater, and the movie (The Lorax) was surprisingly good. We took Parker to get Sushi for dinner. He loves it. I’m learning to love it, but mom… well, mom doesn’t so much like it. But she loves us enough to spend time with us doing whatever we want to do! So, she tasted the sushi, and didn’t like it, but didn’t hate it… Sushi is the kind of food you either like or dislike… I don’t think there are in between people. And it’s all good, because not all people are created alike. That would be boring! I love that my mom makes holidays special. Easter is a little harder of a holiday for me, because with my dad being gone its sad. My dad loved Easter. He loved hiding eggs and all that went a long with it. But, I get to spend the day with my mom… she is making her world famous Manicotti and I am going to be pregnant with food after this amazing dinner.

I love you mom.

Happy Easter.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7th

#7. I love how awesomely talented my mom is. You should see the Zen box she made me for Christmas! She doesn’t think she’s crafty or talented, but she totally is! She can cook anything… she makes awesome gifts, she can sew and crochet and all those things. I love it! I’ve never been one to sew or crochet or anything like that, but she’s tried teaching me, and I love her for it. My most treasured possessions are things she’s made me. She knows exactly what I’ll want and like.

I sure love my mom!

Friday, April 6, 2012

5 and 6

Okay mom, you may think I already ran out of things to say… but never fear… I just got lazy Smile

#5: Even though she loves country music and thinks Adam Sandler is too crude…. she has taught me the love for great books and reading. I don’t think many people believe me when I say I started to read when I was 3… but I sure did. I think I read Jane Eyre in 4th grade… My mom has introduced me to some of my favorite books like: The Poisonwood Bible, Redeeming Love, and She’s Come Undone. My mom has always taught me the importance of a good education and being the smarter one in the fight instead of the stronger one.

#6: I love that my mom listens to me… like really listens to me. When I’m talking about psychology or diseases or Adam Sandler or Biggest Loser or ANYTHING. Even if she isn’t interested in the subject, she listens to me and comments and asks questions. It makes me feel validated and intelligent. I’ve always thought my mom was the most intelligent woman ever! (But I’ll save more about that for tomorrow) Smile

Love you mommy. 20 days until your big day!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mama day 4

You know what else is awesome about my mom? She makes things special. For instance, when I found out I passed my national exam… she bought me flowers. When I graduated with my Master’s, she got me a really cool courage mirror and a framed photo of myself. It’s not just the gifts though, she is truly excited for me. I know I can get a little annoying with all of my talk about graduation and clients and tests and jobs and all that… but my mom celebrates every victory with me, no matter how small. She knows the perfect times to tell me she is proud of me, or how great I am. And she doesn’t just do this for me, but for all her kids and grandkids. She knows what is important to each of us, and she celebrates with us. And when we are sad or having a bad day, she grieves with us.

Love you mommy!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3rd

A quick shout out to my bitch Jackie. Happy Birthday! I won’t tell everyone that you’re 50 okay? Smile


Okay, 3 more things I love about my mama!

#1: Her courage! She is the most courageous person I know. I learned my courage from her. She is tough and strong and can look any beast in the eye!

#2: Her cooking. Okay, now I know you are going to say that ALL mom’s are great cooks. Nope, my mom is the BEST in the world UNIVERSE. Following her recipes is pretty impossible (pinch here, dash there), but I LOVE eating her food. YUM!

#3: Her work ethic. My mom has worked her butt off her entire life. Honestly guys, she works hard!! She raised and supported 4 grumpy awesome kids. We didn’t have the newest of crap, but we had pretty much everything we wanted… She went without a lot so we could have nice things… She works hard at her job, keeping her home nice and clean and beautiful, keeping her kids and grandkids happy and sane… I learned from her that hard work can take you places, and I believe it! She inspires me daily!


Love you mommy! Smile

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My amazing mom

April is my mom’s birth month… so I’m going to celebrate her all month here, on this awesome blog.

The first thing I’m going to celebrate is our friendship. I’m not going to lie, when I was a teenager I was a little naughty REALLY REALLY disobedient. My mom had her hands full with me (and my brothers). I went on camping trips with boys, I called her names, I stayed out too late… I got married at 17… you know, all that stuff. If you had asked me 13 years ago if I would consider my mom my best friend, I would have said no. But today, my best friend is my mom. We have so much fun together. I can tell my mom anything, and I mean anything… like my crazy Chinese dreams and sorrows and boys and all that. We have so many things in common, and there is honestly a never dull moment. Even when there is silence, it is so amazing being with my mom. On Saturday we went to see The Hunger Games and have dinner. It was SO fun. I ♥ my mom and can’t wait to tell you all the amazing reasons why!!

Family reunion June 2011 385My mama and all her grandkids!