Sunday, April 29, 2012

The BIG 3-0

In 3 short months I will turn 30… I know this isn’t a big scary number to be afraid of, but it is a number that makes me contemplate where I have been and where I’m going. It feels like yesterday that I was outside playing with friends without a care in the world.. Now I have bills and worries and a kiddo and life isn’t just about playing. But I do want to make my 30th year on earth a great one. It is a milestone of sorts… I made lists of things I wanted to do before 30… The list:

1) Go to Africa to work in an orphanage.
2) Learn a foreign language.
3) Own a Mustang (Car not horse)
4) Have my Master's Degree.
5) Run a marathon
6) Live on my own (hahahaha, sad that that made the list)
7) Have more than 127 dollars in my savings account.
8) Go on a cruise (conquer my fear of the ocean)
9) Finish my book.
10) "quit" therapy.

11) Skydive

12) Visit every state in the US


I think it’s pretty miraculous that I have completed 3/12… I mean, come on… going to Africa? I can’t accomplish that in the next 3 months. And that is okay! This isn’t an end all list, more of a bucket list.

When I was 10, I was a kid that loved sports and being a tomboy and babysitting. When I was 20 I was married. Now I’m going to be 30 and I am a successful, independent woman and I want to find out what that means and what my true goals are. Stay tuned. This is the year of 30!

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