Friday, June 13, 2008

I love dogs.... I do....

I do love dogs... from afar. I have owned 3 in my lifetime. The first was a Scottish Terrier named... Scottie. I was about 4 when my family owned this dog, and it got hit by a car not long after we got him... so I don't remember much. When I was married we had a yellow lab named Egypt. She was a pretty dog. I really loved her. She was wild! But it was all good. Then, my ex-husband started beating her and tossing her around and stuff... So I took her to the Humaine Society. Last year I got a puppy from the baby animal fair. We named him Rex. About a month after getting this dog we moved, and had to give her away.

I haven't had a great track record with dogs. I have decided that I really like them when other people own them....... there is an exception though. I HATE, HATE, HATE my neighbors dogs. They have 3... One HUGE dog, one MEDIUM dog, and one SMALL dog. All three of these dogs BARK AND BARK AND BARK, ALL NIGHT! Even when I take a sleeping pill it is hard to sleep through the night.

This is what the 3 dogs look like... They aren't even good looking dogs. They are just obnoxious, and I am tired because I didn't sleep.... Because they BARKED ALL NIGHT LONG! I hate those neighbors... and I hate their dogs. I know, I know, hate is a strong word... "But I really, really, don't like you." (Thats a pretty good song...) :)

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