Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The phone call came at 6:30 this morning... COLD DAY! It was -21 this morning, therefore school was cancelled!! I am so excited to have today off! This is my 6th vacation day in a row! Now, we are supposed to get a warm up (up to about 2 degrees) so I will probably have to go to work tomorrow... but then I get Friday off!!!!!!!!!!! This is so rad!
The cold really does suck though. It is freeeeeezing! My truck barely started yesterday...
I watched a movie called Snow Cake yesterday. It was about an autistic woman. I was leery to watch it at first, as it was a "hallmark" type movie. But it got rave reviews, so I decided to watch. I loved it! It really was a wonderful movie! I recommend it to everyone!!! It is not rated, so it is good for the family. So go out and rent it! You'll love it!
That's all for now ;) Happy cold day... again!

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