Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Arctic Winds

5:00 am I get a phone call from the person above me on the phone tree... School is closed for a "cold day". We get a cold day if the temperature is -20 or -40 with wind chill. So I decided to flip on the TV to see what the temperature is, while I'm calling the person below me on the phone tree. -21 feels like -32, is what the weather man says. This is the coldest it has gotten since I moved here, and trust me... It is COLD! The cold day worked out quite well, in my opinion, being after a long weekend and all. So, I went back to sleep, and slept until 9! So far, it is a good Tuesday.

I have to write a paper in my Addictions and Compulsions class about pornography addiction. Ya'll know how I hate porn, so it shouldn't be too hard, but I am having a hard time getting motivated to start the research.

Well, I may write more later. I have nothing very important to say right now!
Happy Cold Day

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