Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's cold... but I still had to go to work :(

Well, I didn't get the hoped for "snow day call"... But, I can't really complain about only working one day this week! :)

I am writing a paper for my Addictions and Compulsions class on Pornography Addiction. This addiction is so nasty! They have compared it to heroin or cocaine addiction!!! The paper should be challenging to write, but interesting. I can't help but think about Bronson when I read the research. I wonder if he would have never become addicted, if he would have committed the crime he did. I guess I'll probably never know, but it makes me curious!

Um, so I need a new book to read! So give me suggestions!!!

Oh, and shout out to Rachel and Nate... I was lame and told them they needed to update their blog... and they already had! haha, I guess I need to check it more often.


Natchel said...

Dang straight ya should! Devil woman.. ;)

Abby said...

Ooh, it's getting to be paper-writing time again around here, too... makes you glad you're in psych, eh? At least it's interesting that way. Also, am I allowed to say something here that doesn't have to do with your blog? Well, I'll take the liberty. (Just this once!) One of my professors came to class yesterday (which was the first day of that class) wearing the ugliest black mullet wig I've ever seen in my life. It was long and curly and matted... Bleh! (He was making a point with it, but it was painful to look at nonetheless.) Okay, that's all.

Anonymous said...


My name is Luke Gilkerson and I work for a company called Covenant Eyes. We have created software that enables people to be accountable to others about their internet usage (we also have filtering software). These resources have helped tens of thousands of people who have had temptations and addictions in the area of internet pornography. I spotted your blog and wondered if you might want some help with your research paper. If you would like to have any of the testimonies or statistics we've gathered over the years concerning pornography addiction, please let me know.