Monday, January 14, 2008

First post

I'm following a trend! I have received 2 e-mails this week telling me my friends have created blogs... So I am creating one too. I am horrible at keeping in touch, so maybe this will help me out a little! Really, not much new and exciting happens in my life often. But, since most of the people who might read this blog are not living near me... maybe everything is new and exciting... :)

So... I guess the first exciting thing is that I met an awesome guy! We have been dating for about a month now. His name is Andy. Everything about him is wonderful. He took me out to a very nice dinner on New Year's Eve, and we walked by the Idaho Falls. It was FREEZING! But very fun.

I have been sick for a couple of weeks, and he has been very kind to me. He came over the other day to meet my mom and watch movies with me while I was sick. So far, I am having a ton of fun with him.

I am working a second job now. I am working with two girls after school who both have behavior problems. They are 3rd and 4th grade. It adds 13 hours to my work week, but so far it's great!

I bought a 2004 Toyota Tacoma on New Year's Eve. It is my DREAM car... next to a Mustang... But in Idaho snow, a Mustang isn't really a smart car. I love my truck and will post pictures soon.

Hmm... What else? I am still working on my Master's Degree... it is slow going, but I'll finish someday :)

My kittens are doing fabulous too! They are getting big! Hmm. I miss Utah, but am learning to like Idaho. I can't believe I've lived here a year now!!!

1 comment:

Natchel said...

What the crap?! Boyfriend? New car? I leave for a month and the whole world changes!! Toadie?? Where is Toadie??