Saturday, January 26, 2008

Breaking up...

:( Andy and I broke up tonight. I broke up with him. There was just a bunch of stuff that ticked me off. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I am sad about it... but I feel... free again. I do like being in a relationship. I like having someone to hug and kiss and go to the movies with... but it isn't worth it to be in an unsatisfying relationship. I'm not really ready for a relationship. I don't even know who I am. I need to figure my life out before I can love someone.

Sad day


Abby said...

Alas, life is so difficult! But even though I don't know Andy, I would say that if you know he's not the one for you, you made a good move. And I know it's really lame that I'm reading people's blogs at 7:07 on a Saturday night. But so it goes...

Abby said...

Okay, so it was 7:05. Now I know. Clocks--you never can trust them!

Kendra said...

I wrote the blog at 7 on Saturday night..... I think that makes me the lamest-lame!!