Saturday, January 23, 2010

Something more positive!

Wow… Have I been a downer or what?!?! I read back over my last few posts and, holy cow… I need an upper :) My life is actually pretty awesome right now. I really do love my job even when the kids are fighting me and everyone else! I love the kids I work with, I mean seriously guys… they are awesome kids. “RT” is always reading me stories and laughing and laughing all the way through. “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” is one of our favorites. Sitting with him while he reads honestly brightens my day more than anything! And he’s doing SO good too! Even though “RS” is a handful, I really do care for him and just hope for the best. I have awesome co-workers too. I mean, they keep me laughing all day! Seriously, if you had these co-workers you’d love your job too! I don’t just like them at work, I like them outside of work too… which is sayin’ something (although there are a couple of co-workers whom I actually dislike very much, the rest of them make up for it!)

Yesterday I started my group observation internship. I am observing a juvenile sex offender group at JCC (Juvenile correction center). Last night I was a bit nervous. I thought I would struggle with this particular group… but I didn’t. I loved it. I thought it was a great experience and I can’t wait to continue attending!

And, even though I hate talking and emotions, I do have a pretty good counselor. He sticks with me when I don’t feel like I can stick with myself. So, it’s good. I’m good (even though a mental breakdown sounds nice some days) :)

I realize that Abby is probably right about the sensible shoes. I have only ever had 2 female counselors… My very first counselor was female, but I was pretty young, so I don’t remember her shoes. My other female counselor was a jerk! She told me I had too high of an IQ to be feeling sorry for myself… So, I did not pay attention to her shoes. And, maybe all men’s shoes seem sensible… because honestly, how uncomfortable can they be? Right? But Psychiatrists still wear crazy earrings and plucking eyebrows is still awesome!

So, there you have it… a happy post :) ♥


PS. These are the cutest cats ever! :)


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