Saturday, January 16, 2010

12 A.M. 911 call…

 I woke up at Midnight because my neighbors were SCREAMING… “Get off my effing property”… blah blah blah. So, I did some of this : image

I saw my two guys beating the crap out of each other……


So, I decide to call 911… I explain to them that I’m peeking through my window and 2 guys are trying to kill each other with fists… Cops come, sobriety tests involved, 2 hours later no arrests but fight is over. So, I fall back to sleep and thank heavens I didn’t witness something more serious. I hate having crazy neighbors, but I think 911 is getting used to my calls :)

PS. I’m happily quitting therapy, effective immediately. Story to come later, maybe… if you wanna hear it.


Anonymous said...

Of course I want to read it! You write so very interrrrrestingly.

~Cin said...

I'm actually not anonymous, I'm actually Cindy.