Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today was a very chill day! I went over to my mom’s house this morning and watched the recorded American Idol finale. Thanks to Facebook the results had been ruined for me, but I wanted to watch anyway because of my secret crush on Steven Tyler and Philip Phillips. Mom mowed the lawn while I watched because she had already seen it. While I watched I also attempted to fix her recliner that had broken underneath. Parker did the edging and picked up the fallen branches and tree. YES tree! He worked hard. Mom bought us all Subway sandwiches for lunch, YUM! Parker went home to do his chores and to call friends to see if they wanted to play hang out. Mom and I watched the House series finale, which was kind of a let down. I expected something pretty awesome, but it ended up being a little boring. Oh well!

Parker had gotten a free activity card for Fat Cats. He can choose one free activity a day for a week (minus movies). He decided to invite his friend Braigen and it ended up that Braigen’s 3 sisters tagged along. It was a little crazy! I didn’t bowl, but the kids did and they had a lot of fun.

Now Parker is playing at Braigen’s house, enjoying the fact that school is over and he can play without worrying about going to bed early!

I’m home thinking about all those that I’ve lost in my life. Wishing I had a few more minutes with each one. I’m starting to realize that life is way too short!

I have a LONG day of work tomorrow… but I’m glad I’m starting to get more clients and feel more comfortable in my new job. It was weird to give the key to the school back to my boss.

Happy Memorial Day!

P.S. It didn’t snow!! And it wasn’t FREEZING! Yay!memdad This was taken many years ago… I miss my daddy!

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