Saturday, October 23, 2010

My dog

Until I adopted Princess, I never really had a dog of my own. When I was 5 I begged my dad to get me a cat. Because I was spoiled, he gave in. That is when we got “Cuddles”. Cuddles was NOT cuddly… He was a big mean Tom cat… but I loved him. When we moved to Utah he ran away. We did have a dog named Scottie for a very short time, but I don’t remember him… and I SWEAR we had dogs named Salt and Pepper, but my mom tells me they must have been imaginary :). When I was married Bronson and I adopted a yellow lab we named Egypt. She was a crazy dog! She was a puppy and wild and really hard to train. Bronson got very frustrated with her, and wasn’t very nice to her… so we gave her up for adoption. We had her a grand total of a month. Since my divorce I’ve had plenty of cats. My mom and I adopted 2 very small kittens (that we had to bottle feed)… After they died we got more cats… But a dog… a dog is different. My mom and I decided to adopt a dog 2 years ago (almost exactly 2 years ago). Princess is the best dog I could ever ask for. She has become my best friend. I love her more than I ever thought I could love a dog. I think she is the greatest. She has become like a child, an important member of my family.

Tonight Parker is at a sleepover… so it’s just Princess and I. We are enjoying a night to ourselves… She is SO cute… How could you not love that smile?

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