Thursday, May 29, 2008

Am I cut out for this?

Today was one of the worst days at my job. Yesterday, the boy I work with had an issue at recess. It wasn't a huge deal, or I didn't think so. I get a phone call this morning before heading out the door. It is from the classroom teacher I work with. She informs me that she has decided that yesterday was a big deal, and the boy will not be allowed to participate in the last day of school activities. (Technically tomorrow is the last day of school, but they are only there for 2 hours, so the activities were today.) Anyway, the activities were quite fun, and the boy was very excited for them. Needless to say, this morning was awful. He was given the bad news, and threw a huge fit. he basically called the principal a "fat ass" and used many more ear burning words. Honestly, give him a break.

So I wonder... Am I cut out for this? I hate giving "punishment/discipline". I really, Really, Really, Really, hate it. I mean, maybe he did deserve to miss the activities for his activities yesterday. I just... I don't know. I like the therapy part of it... but I just feel so bad for him. I mean, he is seen as a horrible kid... manipulative and all that. But, can't they see what is inside of him? He obviously needs love and support...

Anyway... I just hate this. I hate that I doubt myself. I feel so inadequate. But what am I supposed to say to the principal... teacher... ???

It is the end of the year... I guess I'll let it go for now.
I am happy for summer break. I just have to make it through 2 hours of school tomorrow and the 2 hour staff "luncheon"... Then, I'm free!


Abby said...

Would it be okay if I linked specifically to this post and talked about it a bit in my blog? Or quoted some of what you said and talked about that?

I'm starting a series of posts about my unresolved anger toward mental health professionals and about how I think too many professionals need a major attitude adjustment. And what I like about what you've written here is that it's a first-person perspective from a professional (you!) who already has the attitude that I think all effective professionals need to have. Of course you can't really get away from the system (of doom)... but once more of us graduate and get real jobs, let's band together and reform the system from the inside out, okay? I know--that's grandiose thinking, but it's still an inspiring goal.

I like what you said here:

"But, can't they see what is inside of him? He obviously needs love and support...."

Exactly! Love and support! Obviously! It must be insanely frustrating to work in the current environment, but I think kids will pick up on your attitude even when you can't give them everything you wish you could. In short, I think you are perfectly cut out for this.

Kendra said...

I am glad I'm not the only one with this attitude. I hate "doom" thinking. You can absolutely link to my blog... whenever you want really. I don't mind :)

We need to change some things! I think we can. It isn't too grandiose!