Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 New Year’s Resolutions


Well, it’s that time again. I honestly cannot believe how fast 2010 flew by! At the end of 2009 I hoped 2010 would be FAR better than 2000… And guess what? IT WAS! Although I didn’t do everything I wanted in 2010, I accomplished a lot! Besides work and play and school, I got the opportunity to bring Parker to Idaho. Although becoming an insta-mom was HARD, it has also be extremely rewarding. Parker has brought so much into my life. He’s taught me how to love more deeply. He’s taught me the importance of play and imagination. He’s taught me kids really are hard work! Although I don’t want children of my own (long story), I now feel like a mother. I feel the ache when he is disappointed and hurt and I feel the joy when he succeeds. 2010 has been a great success!!

2011 resolutions!

1. Graduate with my MASTER’S DEGREE!

2. Pay off debt (and cut up credit cards!)

3. Take Parker to Yellowstone and other fun Idaho places

4. Be more active

5. Stick to my monthly budget

6. Journal once a week

7. Take another photography class

8. Start a savings account (to buy a house!)

9. Run a mile (the whole mile)


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This year in pictures…

This year was very exciting and new!

We adopted Spooky.

Beautiful weather.

A STUPID guy hit my car in the parking lot!

I DID NOT get these for Valentine’s Day… Sad smile

I took a photography class!

Parker moved in with me… and I became an instant mom!

I took LOTS of pictures!

We went to Albuquerque for Easter and I met my niece Rosie Lyn for the first time!

Parker graduated from DARE!

Parker and I moved into an apartment!

We went to California for Emily’s 8th grade promotion.

Emily and Rebecca came to Sugar City for a visit.

We took Parker to Mesa Falls and Warm River


Parker got glasses!

For some reason I can’t find the pictures of Parker’s baseball team… but he played baseball Smile

Parker turned 13!

We got VIP tickets to the Blue Angels Air Show

Parker started 7th grade.

I went to Phoenix for my FINAL residency!

Parker was a vampire for Halloween

Parker’s first choir concert

Parker made a pyramid for social studies

My internship site was approved!

Parker had a Christmas concert


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last year’s resolutions

Before I reveal this year’s resolutions… lets take a look back on my 2009 resolutions!

1. Volunteer. Um. I did not.

2. Be more positive! I’m going to say… 50% on this one…

3. Be more active. Another 50% here.

4. Eat more vegetables! 80%… Good thing Parker LOVES corn and peas!

5. Less procrastination!! haha…. 10%?

6. Be more responsible with my money! 1.25%…. just to be generous to myself…

7.  Finish therapy. YESSSSSS 110% YES!!! Hallelujah!!

8. Get more in touch with my spirituality. This is a work in progress.

9. Journal more. I think I journaled LESSS! Oops!

10. Be less OCD. LOL. The meds are helping Winking smile

Stay tuned for my awesome 2010 resolutions!!!!!!!!! Can’t believe it’s going to be 2011!!! Time FLIES!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wow… time flies!

I have been very neglectful of this blog! Time has just been flying by and I haven’t had any spare moments to write. I know, excuses, excuses…

Well, the Christmas season is here! I have had so much fun having Parker here to celebrate the holidays. We spent a week at my mom’s house for Thanksgiving! We helped her put up her Christmas tree and her outside lights. My mom and I black Friday shopped… and since then it’s been a blur! With school and work and Parker’s school and activities we have had no time. I finished my classwork 5 days early so Parker and I could enjoy the holiday more. Tonight we made sugar cookies with my mom. It was SO much fun! We took plates of cookies to Parker’s friends and a few families in the neighborhood. The cookies turned out quite tasty! I thought about using a pre-made mix… but then I decided that wouldn’t be much fun SmileTomorrow Parker has an appointment, then after that I am going to take him to see Megamind 3D at the cheap theater. Parker has a choir concert on Thursday night and Friday I have to have a tooth pulled Sad smile The week is going to fly by, I can already tell!

Another thing we did is make Christmas cards. Parker made homemade cards for all of his California family. They turned out really cute!

Sugar Cookies 008Sugar Cookies 013Parker has been working out with the Wii fit… He was proud that he ran 4.75 miles in 30 minutes! He has had fun trying to beat his time.  Sugar Cookies 014Parker has been getting 1 card a day from his mom and sisters. We’ve hung them all on the wall. I think this is a stinking cute picture. Inside every card is a dollar and a “give card” where he has to give something (like chores or service). It has been really fun!Sugar Cookies 027These pictures turned out a little blurry. I tried to get Princess in the picture but she was being a pain like usual!                                            Sugar Cookies 033Sugar Cookies 039Sugar Cookies 044Me and my mom!Sugar Cookies 045Parker and his grammySugar Cookies 048Sugar Cookies 050Sugar Cookies 060The finished product!

Parker is SOOO excited for Christmas… and, well… So am I Smile


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cricut awesomeness

On Black Friday I went shopping with my mom. We didn’t go super early… there wasn’t anything we wanted to wait in line for. We got to Wal-Mart at about 5:30 AM. It was fun. I got some great deals… which I can’t really talk about because, well, Parker might read this Smile Parker really wanted to go Black Friday shopping, so my mom and I took him a little bit later in the afternoon. He got a few things for his sisters and his mom. I decided I would buy a Cricut. I have wanted one FOREVER, but I’ve never wanted to pay for one… they are quite pricy. Well, I got a great deal on Friday. So I decided I would finally buy one. I ♥ it! I have used the Cricut at work, but I haven’t really been able to play with it much… so one of my own is AWESOME. Between homework, housework, and family time I haven’t had much time to play with it… but this is some stuff I’ve made. Just a simple Merry Christmas that is about 3”.

christmas cricut

Parker and I save our money in a “Tiki Punch” bottle.

Go to fullsize imageIt looked something like this (except in 2 liter bottle form)… Nothing fun or exciting, but it works as a piggy bank. Well, with the Cricut I changed it up a bit Smile  A pink pig, and the word Playtime, then the money symbol.

playtime 1

playtime 2

playtime 3

Then, I made this cute Princess sign. Smile 

princess cricut

More Cricut awesomeness to come Smile