Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Yep, February is pretty sweet this year! I love my internship! It is so great to put all my “book work” experience into actual experience! Sometimes it is stressful, but most of all I love it! My supervisor is great and teaches me SO much! I can’t believe it’s been 5 weeks already! Time is flying by! I am feeling much more confident in myself as a therapist. There are definitely highs and lows  but overall it is great!

Parker made me dinner tonight. So that was AMAZING! He is such a great kid and I him like crazy Smile His grades are improving more and more everyday! He is very smart and respectful and basically awesome!

Um, well… not much is really new. I know that’s surprising… but yeah. Parker is still loving basketball and is sad ski school is over. Princess still loves chicken treats. It’s still colder than… I don’t know what… but COLD. I’m really sick of cold, therefore I changed my blog background to a springy theme Smile I think that will help!

So, I hope y’all are having a great February!

P.S. Aren’t Biggest Loser and American Idol SO great this season? Smile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So proud of you!!!