Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I have figured out the true art of multi-tasking (is that a hyphenated word?) As I was driving my student home today, I got a phone call from another client who was in a "crisis". While I was talking them through their "crisis", I was teaching the client in my car how to spell "already, because, small, sausage, and together", as well as paying attention to the road, and trying to figure out my schedule for this semester... I was probably driving in both lanes... but I got it all worked out! I am taking 2 classes next semester. Theories of Personality and Mental Health Counseling... Yay. I got an A in my addictions class... which I probably have already said like 10 million times. So yeah... The "crisis" is over, the kid got home, and I didn't wreck! It is funny though, because the student that I was driving home asked me to read a letter to him... HAHA, while I was driving!!! I was like... um, no... I can't read and drive... but I swear it is going to come down to that. I am too dang busy! I need 5 or 6 more hands and a coffee I.V.! I need a vacation!

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