Sunday, May 8, 2011

What is a mother?

What makes a mother? Am I a mother? Mother’s Day makes me think about this question. I have been Parker’s caregiver for 15 months. Most days I feel like a mom. I do everything I can to care for him and be there for him… but I am not his biological mother, or even his adoptive mother. I’m just Aunt Kendra. But I FEEL like a mother. Does that make me a mother? I don’t know, I’ve felt a little depressed today. I have an amazing mother. She has been there for me through good and bad. She supports me and cares for me. She is just the best! I have never really wanted to be a mother. I have those days, when I wish I had kids… but mostly I don’t want my own kids. But, when Parker came to live with me 15 moths ago my life changed dramatically. I became an instant caregiver/mom. Parker celebrated Mother’s Day with me. He gave me a foot rub and made me posters… He gave me pineapple in bed. So, for today I’m celebrating being a mother. I’m celebrating the fact that there is someone in my life that I care for more than myself. Someone I put before me. Okay, well that’s all I really had to say. I’m exhausted…. Life is busy. Blah. The end.

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