Monday, July 13, 2009

Sloth bears, school, frustration, and back pain...

Okay, so I haven't updated in awhile. I know I'm terrible at this blogging thing, but I figured I would update it before I got too involved in school.

The other day my mom and I went to the zoo. They have new sloth bears, which were very, very cute. It was a hot day, but the sun felt nice. My semester started today... back to school after having a month off. It's been nice having the time off, but I'm ready to get back to it. The faster I work, the closer I am to graduation! I have something to vent about though:

Yesterday, I was watching "Rookie of the Year" (The 90's kids movie about the 11 year old playing for the Chicago Cubs). Yeah, it's kind of a cheesy movie, but with my back issues I've been down for the count for a few days. So, it was about noon while I was watching this movie... and what commercial comes on? A "male enhancement" commercial. The commercial was advertising a product that will allow me to "get bigger and last longer". It basically talked about sex and penis size for 30 seconds (actually 1 minute, because the commercial played twice in a row!) Now, I don't have kids... but if I did they would probably be curious, mouthy little kids. They would probably want to know what sex was and what exactly would get bigger if they took the pills. It is RIDICULOUS! Play that kind of commercial at night, during adult programming time... seriously. I have to mute the TV or change the channel every time it comes on. It seriously makes me angry! Don't even get me started about the new condom commercial!!!!!!

So, my back is killing me... I've basically been down and out for 3 or 4 days. Today, I've spent the day in bed, with an Icy/Hot patch on my back, reading blogs, drinking diet coke, taking a Lortab, and cuddling with my dog and cat.

I will definitely have better, more uplifting, rad posts soon! Promise!


Bernie said...

Oh my gosh, Kendra! I feel the same way about those commercials! What are they thinking? I watch a lot of kids shows and they always have them on. I thought there were people who were trying to get that banned from tv in the middle of the day. Maybe it was just my imagination.
Anyway, I really want to see you and have lunch or something. I'm free all this week if you are feeling up to it. I hate having back pain so don't feel like you need to move anytime soon.
I saw a bunch of teachers this week it was really funny! I saw Mrs. Gisler (?) and her sister at Sam's club today, I saw the teacher who had the class next to Mr. Kennelly, what's her name? Anyway, and R's mom with him at Albertsons. It's been crazy to see people! R looks so good! I miss him already.
Sorry this is the longest comment in the history of the world but give me a call some time!

Tambi said...

I totally agree! Some of the commercials they play during kids shows are insane. Thus why my kids pretty much just watch Disney Channel, KBYU, and naughty commercials ;) and the fact that those are the only shows they can actually sit still long enough to watch :).
I hope ur back gets much for that lame surgery. I thought it was supposed to make u all better. Doctors! lol
U have to come to Utah again! I can't believe I missed u the 3 days u were here! We have to hang out! If you happen to come out this weekend, we're having our monthly friend get together (I'm sure u won't be coming out, but just in case)...We miss u! luv ya!

Abby said...

I'm sorry your back hurts so much... bleh. Well, tell you pets that they are extra-specially obligated to take good care of you and make you feel better!

As for school... yes, it's true! (That's why I'm not sure I really care about graduating anymore.) As for sloths bears... well, you got me to Google them. They're adorable! And as for commercials... um, I won't even get started.