Wednesday, June 24, 2009

From Atlanta to Oregon

Okay, so I know it's been a long time since I posted last... So I'll try to give ya'll a quick update.

I had to go to Atlanta for school a few weeks ago, which I was pretty nervous about but it ended up being really fun! I met really cool people and learned a lot! I also tasting some really great food including collard greens, chicken and waffles, and some really great shrimp pasta stuff at Benihana. (And yes, I did the YMCA at the Hard Rock Cafe!)
Chicken and waffles... MMMMMMMM

After getting back from Atlanta, my mom and I headed out to the Oregon Coast. It is BEAUTIFUL! We stayed in a beach front house in Depoe Bay. The sites are amazing!
A cool bridge
Hanging out with Johnny Depp
This is my mom's stomach after her fall.
My mom's black eye after the fall
It is SO green here! I LOVE it!

The beach at low tide. This is all lava rock! It's so beautiful!
Heading out whale watching

My mom did take a pretty bad fall, but she's okay!We went whale watching... which was AMAZING!

When I get back from Oregon I'm heading straight to Utah to see my bestie Brooke and her brand new baby Vivian :) (Isn't she beautiful!)

I went to a lot of aqariums and stuff too... more pictures to come later...


Natchel said...

wait two questions. 1) how did your mom fall?? and 2) you went to visit brooke but not me???? :(

Abby said...

So, I guess I haven't been keeping up on blogs again... but I still want to say hi. I'm reading, just not in a very timely way! And yay for pictures! And I'm glad you've had some good traveling adventures. (Your mom's bruises look so very ouch-y, though. No fun!) Hm, perhaps I should write you a proper email. um, I'm too tired right now, but maybe soon.

Abby said...

No, no, that "um" should be capitalized! Well, I said I was tired.