Saturday, February 9, 2008


I am still caffeine free! That is the biggest news for the day! Although, I am having major withdrawal headaches :)

I watched the movie The Mighty Heart last night. It is about the journalist that was brutally killed in Pakistan (Danny Pearl). It is a true story and the movie was sad! But, I overall didn't like it. For one, Angelina Jolie played the wife who was supposed to be bi-racial. They tried to make her look black, and gave her a crappy cuban accent. They could have picked someone much better to play her role. Also, half the movie was in a foreign language... and no subtitles. I understand it is based in Pakistan... but I need subtitles!!!

I also watched the Perfect Stranger. I had seen it before, but forgot about it. It has Bruce Willis as a bad guy and Hallie Barry as the main character. I really like this movie. There are big twists and turns in it, and it isn't predictable at all! I recommend it! There are a couple parts that I had to look away because of graphic stuff, but nothing too major.

My paper on Pornography Addiction is due tomorrow. Have I started?? Nope!

...To Be Continued...

1 comment:

Abby said...

You haven't started your paper? Are you kidding? I'm in the process of freaking out because I have to work on a short project with a partner, and I emailed him yesterday and called him a little while ago but haven't heard back--augh! I mean, the project is very simple and not due until Tuesday afternoon, and I'm sure none of the other groups have finished theirs yet... but I start freaking out if I can't have things done in advance! (Yeah, I also keep revising up until the last minute... but I like to get things into a turn-in-able state pretty early in the game.) So, now I am going to go back to studying for my first exam of the semester, which is next Thursday... bleh. But you know... it's necessary to check email, MySpace, Facebook, Craigslist, and all blogs before sitting down at the computer to study... right? Also... caffeine isn't necessary; you'll get over it. Why are you stopping, though? I usually think that everyone but me is just coffee-obsessed... but I feel more balanced when I skip it.