Tuesday, September 2, 2008

gas prices, gall bladders, grades, and other awful 'g' words...

Gas prices: They suck! I know everyone is feeling the same way... but this week they are really pissing me off. I just filled up... $60! Now I'm poor.

Gall bladder: I spent my Labor Day vacation in the Emergency Room with serious pain! Now, I have to have surgery to have my gall bladder removed... I am going to the doc tomorrow to get it scheduled. Bleh.

Grades: I hate them... I have waiting for them... I hate wondering if I'll pass or fail.... another bleh....

Okay, that is all for now...

1 comment:

Abby said...

Ooh--gallbladder issues must be miserable... that, I think, warrants a lot more than a "bleh."

And grades... yuck. I'm trying not to think about those... I haven't actually had to turn in any assignments yet this semester, so I can pretend it's all okay, but it's only the second week of school, and I already feel so behind... so I'll concur on the "bleh" there.

Also... what about GE classes and gunk from drains? Those are among my current nemeses... ooh, I just realized that "nemesis" is another one of those words with that sort of irregular plural! I love those! Oops--tangent....