Friday, September 12, 2008

Alphabetized rantings

A: Anaesthesia. I abso.freaking.lutely hate the stuff! I have been BFF with the toilet for a week now... bleh...

B: Bills. They suck... especially after taking a week off and being poor from it.

C: Chills. I absolutely hate it when I am so hot from fever but shaking with chills!

D: Dieting. What does that mean anyway? I mean, to lose weight you have to be on a diet... but when does the dieting end??? Can't I just be healthy??

E: Eggs... They are probably the freak-nastiest things in the world! I don't even want to smell them... Just writing about them makes me want to chill out with the toilet again...

F: Fast Food. It is basically the root of all evil!

G: Gall Bladder. I don't have one anymore... I want to go back in time and not have the surgery because it was the.most.painful.thing.ever!

H: Hate. I hate... hate... hahaha... It is one thing to hate a food or a place... but to hate a person... it's just wrong.

I: Insurance. It doesn't pay enough.

J: Jealousy. Why does it plague me?

K: Karma. I think mine is screwed!

L: Laundry. It is honestly never ending.

M: Monsters... They do exist.

N: Nicotine. my neighbors smoke all the time and it comes into my window... I think I'm addicted to 2nd hand smoke. Dang them.

O: Onions. They are just nasty.

P: PowerPoints. I never-ever-ever want to do one again. I had to do 2 this quarter and they sucked.

Q: Quality over Quantity. Does anyone even believe that?

R: Recliner. I usually ♥ my recliner... but I've had to sleep in it for over a week now. I never want to sit here again!

S: Spiders. They are very disgusting.

T: Temper-Tantrums. The kids at school throw them often... over nothing... It gets old.

U: Uber. What a dumb freaking word!

V: Vests. Why in the world are they coming back into style?

W: Wind. It's noisy and keeps me awake all night.

X: X-rays. They are wayyy to expensive!

Y: Yaking. Puking. Throwing up. Vomiting. Purging.

Z: Zits. Do I really need to even need to expand on this?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

gas prices, gall bladders, grades, and other awful 'g' words...

Gas prices: They suck! I know everyone is feeling the same way... but this week they are really pissing me off. I just filled up... $60! Now I'm poor.

Gall bladder: I spent my Labor Day vacation in the Emergency Room with serious pain! Now, I have to have surgery to have my gall bladder removed... I am going to the doc tomorrow to get it scheduled. Bleh.

Grades: I hate them... I have waiting for them... I hate wondering if I'll pass or fail.... another bleh....

Okay, that is all for now...