Sunday, November 1, 2009

SwInE fLu

Swine flu sucks… Yep, I am one of those lucky people who caught this flu. A lot of the kids at school have gotten sick, so I’m sure they infected me….. Oh the joys of working in a school district. So, I was off work for a week, and I still don’t feel so great… But… It’s back to work tomorrow. I hope the kids are feeling better so I can stay healthy. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long winter.


I adopted a new kitten. A family was giving free kittens away at Wal-Mart….. So, of course I chose the runt. She’s super cute…. and I named her Spooky :)


Halloween is over with. I can’t believe how fast the Christmas stuff goes up in stores… it seems like the minute the Halloween candy is sold, the Christmas trees go up…… BUT this year, the Christmas trees and ornaments were up BEFORE Halloween… Crazy. I don’t have any plans for the holidays… So fun.


School still sucks… I can’t wait to graduate!


So… There is your update. :) I live a boring life, I know :)


Princess and Chester still love each other :)DSC02038 DSC02040

The new edition… Spooky :) She’s SO TINY! And SO cute :)DSC02019 DSC02047  DSC02046