I have been very neglectful of this blog! Time has just been flying by and I haven’t had any spare moments to write. I know, excuses, excuses…
Well, the Christmas season is here! I have had so much fun having Parker here to celebrate the holidays. We spent a week at my mom’s house for Thanksgiving! We helped her put up her Christmas tree and her outside lights. My mom and I black Friday shopped… and since then it’s been a blur! With school and work and Parker’s school and activities we have had no time. I finished my classwork 5 days early so Parker and I could enjoy the holiday more. Tonight we made sugar cookies with my mom. It was SO much fun! We took plates of cookies to Parker’s friends and a few families in the neighborhood. The cookies turned out quite tasty! I thought about using a pre-made mix… but then I decided that wouldn’t be much fun Tomorrow Parker has an appointment, then after that I am going to take him to see Megamind 3D at the cheap theater. Parker has a choir concert on Thursday night and Friday I have to have a tooth pulled
The week is going to fly by, I can already tell!
Another thing we did is make Christmas cards. Parker made homemade cards for all of his California family. They turned out really cute!
Parker has been working out with the Wii fit… He was proud that he ran 4.75 miles in 30 minutes! He has had fun trying to beat his time.
Parker has been getting 1 card a day from his mom and sisters. We’ve hung them all on the wall. I think this is a stinking cute picture. Inside every card is a dollar and a “give card” where he has to give something (like chores or service). It has been really fun!
These pictures turned out a little blurry. I tried to get Princess in the picture but she was being a pain like usual!
Me and my mom!
Parker and his grammy
The finished product!
Parker is SOOO excited for Christmas… and, well… So am I
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