Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Okay, I was reading back through my blog… because I’m bored… and I came across a blog that had some goals on it. It was a list of things I wanted to do by 30…… I’ll be 28 next month… so really, I have 2 years to do this stuff…. Looksies at this list!

1) Go to Africa to work in an orphanage.
2) Learn a foreign language.
3) Own a Mustang (Car not horse)
4) Have my Master's Degree.
5) Run a marathon
6) Live on my own (hahahaha, sad that that made the list)
7) Have more than 127 dollars in my savings account.
8) Go on a cruise (conquer my fear of the ocean)
9) Finish my book.
10) "quit" therapy.
11) Skydive
12) Visit every state in the US


So… I did #6. And, I’m pretty close to #4. Otherwise…….. I’m not making any progress! So…… we’ll see.. Maybe I need to rethink my list??!!??


Bernie said...

Come run a 5k with me in September! It will get you that much closer to a marathon. You can do it, Kendra! P.S.- I miss you!

Kendra said...

Bernie!! I would love to run a 5k... Don't know if I'd make it, but I'd totally try :) I miss you too! Let's get lunch SOON!