Friday, December 18, 2009

And the vacation begins!

School got out at 11:10 today.. Then, VACATION time started!! I had to go into town to do the last of my shopping, then I was able to come home and relax!! I love my job, I love the kids I work with.. But vacations are SO nice! I get 2 weeks off, which is amazing! And, I’m out of school until January 11th! So, everything is great!

Today, teachers held their classroom Christmas parties. It is so fun to see the kids excited for Christmas. They are excited for Santa, no school, and OF COURSE presents! But, it’s the spirit they have that’s contagious. I feel so much more excited for Christmas now that I’ve partied with some cool kids. One of my students is a Jehovah’s Witness, and I UNDERSTAND that everyone is DIFFERENT… But it is SO hard for him to come to school and listen to all the kids make their wish lists for Santa, play Christmas games, and sing Christmas songs….. and it is SO hard for me to watch him bow his head in disappointment. I did get him a root beer for a “winter prize”… Just because I wanted him to be included somehow. He understands why he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but it is still hard for him to feel okay about not getting gifts and new things. The other kids don’t understand either, which makes things worse.

Well… I am HAPPY to be on VACATION! I do not have plans. I was too poor to fly to visit family, and it’s too scary to drive… So, I’m staying in good ol’ Idaho… But, it should be fun to watch Christmas movies and scrapbook and wrap presents and see Christmas lights and all that stuff!

I’m not complaining about the weather AT ALL… But it is WEIRD that we have NO SNOW… I mean, remember LAST YEAR??? If not, here is a picture to remind you…

snow 08

Christmas time 2008… This year looks NOTHING like this!!!snow 08 2

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