Okay, so today at work I was talking with my co-workers about blogs and stuff. My great friend Bernie reminded me that I haven't updated my blog in a REALLY long time! So, today my blog is dedicated to her :) I bet she'll be oh-so-excited about this!
So, for an update... Honestly not much is new. I finished up another semester of graduate school. I haven't gotten a grade yet, but I have obsessively checked every hour to see if it was posted! Next semester I'm going to be taking the max credits so I'll be ready for my first residency in May. Today, I booked my hotel and flight for my Atlanta residency... It was 1200 bucks for hotel and flight!!!! That doesn't include 1400 dollars residency tuition, food, supplies, etc... I am SO in debt! I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end! The residency is 7 days and is in Atlanta Georgia. My first trip to Atlanta in 2004 was kind of a nightmare! My friend and I stayed in a really bad neighborhood, and were basically terrified all night! Instead of staying 2 days, we only stayed a few hours! It was crazy! So, I'm a little nervous about going again, especially by myself! I'm sure it will be all good though!
Well, spring in Idaho is SLOW coming! It has been windy and cold for a week now! I am SO ready for warm weather!!! Luckily, I am heading to New Mexico the first week in April! My brother and his wife are expecting a baby any day now, so I am going to visit as well as my mom, sister, her boyfriend, and her kids. My brother and her wife are having another little girl. They are going to name her Rosie Lyn! I'm REALLY excited, and I hope it is WARM while I'm there!
Work is going pretty well. The kids I work with are overall pretty good kids. Some days are more challenging than others, but it's worth it. I can't wait until I can start my internship though, I would really like some clinical experience!!
My animals are still rad! They keep me laughing all day! Um... Yeah, I think that's all... Except the fact that I have to give myself shots now, which sucks!!! But I'm getting used to it.
So, yeah... There is my little update... :)
Happy Wednesday!