Thursday, December 31, 2009

A new template and new resolutions

Last year I decided I wasn’t going to share my resolutions. I didn’t think it was important for anyone to know my deepest wishes and wants. Throughout this year I have changed a lot, mentally and emotionally. I have realized some great… and not so great things about myself, but I’m not afraid to share these with my friends (the 2 people who read this blog) :) So, for your reading enjoyment, my 2010 New Year Resolutions:

1. Volunteer. I love people. I love helping people. I have volunteered short-term at many places (crisis line, daycares, summer reading programs, etc) but I’ve never actually been a “volunteer”… Somewhere important, somewhere where I can make a real difference… So, I am going to call places Monday and set something up! And volunteer ALL year!

2. Be more positive! I have found over the past year that I am a Negative-Nelly. I tend to see the glass half empty, and I don’t like it! I want to be a lot more positive in 2010! Which means less gossip and more compliments!

3. Be more active. I am NOT making a resolution to exercise… I know for a fact that I am SO stubborn I will NOT exercise just because I made a goal of it. Really, I just want to be more active. I want to take Princess on more walks. I want to spend more time playing with the kids at school instead of just watching them play. I want to see the sights of Idaho (when it isn’t –20 outside!)

4. Eat more vegetables! Pretty self explanatory… I do pretty well, but I want to get more of the food groups in my diet. (which also means, less sugar… I mean… I am diabetic!)

5. Less procrastination!! It’s not working out to save 15-10 page papers until the day they are due! It makes me crazy! And crazy I DON’T want to be! :)

6. Be more responsible with my money! I am VERY frivolous! I spend money on the dumbest stuff… seriously! I need to cut my spending A LOT… and pay off bills… and SAVE. For now, spend less and pay more debt!

7, Finish therapy. I mean, I know it isn’t something you would normally be able to do… but I am so close, really. So many of my “issues” have been worked through… and I am HAPPY…… really! I know there are just a few more things I need to work through, but I think 2010 is the year!

8. Get more in touch with my spirituality. I am Buddhist, but this isn’t entirely the case. Although I find Buddhism to peaceful and accepting. But, part of the reason I like Buddhism is because it takes away my fear of God. Fear may sound like the wrong word… and maybe it is, but I fear there is not a God, and on the other hand I fear there is a God, because I don’t understand what that means. Does this make sense? Probably not! But, I need to figure this all out for myself!

9. Journal more. I use to write in a journal EVERYDAY, no matter what. Lately, I have really slacked off in that department… So… I resolve to write everyday, again.

10. Be less OCD. Because it’s December 31st and my resolutions don’t officially start until tomorrow… I can add a 10th resolution because if it weren’t even I’d go nuts…. But tomorrow, I resolve to be less “OCD” :)

There you go :) HAPPY NEW YEAR! LET’S HOPE 2010 IS WAY BETTER THAN 2000!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Saying Goodbye to 2009 (lots of pictures!)

wedding day 

Ten years ago I graduated high school, got married, and lost my dad :( Let’s hope 2010 is MUCH better than 2000! Last year I posted all the great photos from 2008. So… Might as well carry on the tradition, as well as mention a few resolutions… So, here you go (the 2.5 people who read this blog!)

new mexico 1 I went to New Mexico with my entire family (to visit my brother, his wife, and 2 daughters). My sister and her 3 kids flew in. This is me with Emily, Parker, and Rebecca. Aren’t they cute?!

new mexico 2 My brother Chuck holding Marisa (who is 5) and Sasha holding baby Rosie (she was 2 weeks old in the photo… she’s 9 months old now!)

snake I went to the Baby Animal fair where I held a baby snake! Totally nast people!

chickenwaff I went  to my first Residency for graduate school in Atlanta Georgia… I ate Chicken and Waffles at “Gladys Knight Chicken and Waffles”. Yum. I also ate Collard Greens. Which are amazing, and I damn Idaho for not having them!

starfish I went to the Oregon Coast, where I found out I was allergic to Starfish :( (Stupid allergies!)

cake My awesome friends took Me to Johnny Carino’s for lunch on my birthday… and bought me this cake! It was VERY good!

tat I got my 4th tattoo (thanks Jackie and Cindy for your immoral support!

wreck A REALLY old man hit me while I was driving in Idaho Falls!

cali I went to California to visit my sister and her kids… we swam A LOT!

Bonsai I got a Bonsai… I killed the Bonsai.

princess I continue to spoil Princess.

chester Chester continues to be cute.

tonks I took a photography class… these were my models ;)

spook I adopted Spooky

Vivian I got to visit cute Vivan!

sarah My cousins came for Thanksgiving

peaceful I enjoyed a peaceful Christmas


Okay… this is WAY longer than I imagined! I did A LOT of shiz fun things this year! I’ll post resolutions tomorrow! ♥’s

Monday, December 28, 2009

911, Rock band, Hard Hat, and resolutions

Today was an eventful day… First, I had an appointment with “J” my therapist, which is always not fun. My mom drove down with me so we could have dinner after. On our way there, some crazy drunk was driving in front of us… running stop signs and swerving everywhere! So, I did the good Samaritan thing, and called 911. Is this what you do when there is a drunk driver?? I don’t know, but it sounded like the right thing… So the operator took my name and number, and hopefully got that crazy man off the road!!

After my enjoyable therapy sesh, my mom and I decide to go to the used game store… we found Beatles Rock Band and a country Rock Band. Now, we both ♥ Guitar Hero (and spend too much time playing) but we don’t have Rock Band guitars (why can’t they be compatible?) So, my mom buys the games and we go out on a hunt for Rock Band guitars. Well, they are NO WHERE! Like, seriously guys… we called EVERY store with electronics in Idaho Falls and Rexburg! Nothing! So, we returned the Rock Band games :( No Rock Band fun for us tonight…

After this whole ordeal, we were pretty hungry. We decided to go to Hard Hat Steak House. The restaurant use to be in Rexburg and it was GOOD and CHEAP… They moved to Idaho Falls, which sucked for us. Well, today we decided to try it out, and it SUCKED! We paid 30 bucks for a dinner of chicken nuggets (basically)… It was ridiculous! And… our server was cute really crappy!

Well, stay tuned for my 2010 New Years Resolutions… They are gonna be good :)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A very Merry Christmas

shower radio I got this shower radio…

shaver This electric shaver (except mine is WAY cuter than this one! Online photos don’t do it justice)…

sheets 1 Sheets like this…

comforter This beautiful blanket for my bed!

sheets 2 These sheets!


openit This really great package opener, DVD opener, screwdriver, etc…

pillow A couple pillows


wrap This “snuggie ripoff”. I HATE the feel of fleece type stuff… this is silky smooth!


pirouette These!! SO yummy!

book This book… which looks GOOD!


And of course Pajamas and a scarf and mittens! YAY! (Plus new thermals… So I can keep warm!)


Christmas was great! My nieces and nephew called at 6 AM so we could listen to them open their gifts. My sister (their mom) got them a Wii… which was most exciting… They were pretty excited about the skinny jeans I got them :) I was pretty tired after the hour and a half phone call, but not too tired to open gifts. I was excited for my mom to open the things I got her… The package was in the mail today (the one that was “guaranteed by Christmas)… but the Post Office was closed by the time I got over there… So she will get one more gift on Monday :)


My dog was pretty excited about her new bones, treats, toys, and necklace! What a spoiled pup! The kitties were quite excited about all the new jingle balls and softy balls…. and the feather thing :)

Now, I’m enjoying my Reeces Trees and my Pistachios ;)

And… trying to figure out what to do for New Year’s Eve… Any suggestions?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

So, it’s Christmas Eve Eve… Which means nothing, except that it is VERY close to Christmas. I am excited! I am angry though… I ordered something online for my mom 2 weeks ago, and it STILL hasn’t come in the mail. They said it would be guaranteed by Christmas!! I better get it tomorrow!!!

So, my mom is the district secretary and payroll clerk for the entire district that I work for. In other words, he job is super important… well, because teachers have been off this whole week, she decided to take the week off too… I mean, payroll is done and teachers are on holiday, so what could it hurt? Well, today we are still in our jammies, playing guitar hero, and just vegging when there is a knock at the door…… It is a teacher needing a signature on some important paper…… So, as we are looking totally ugly we get a visitor… Just our luck! That is what you get for living in a small town!

Well, the week has been good. Yesterday we went to see “Did you hear about the Morgan’s?” It was pretty cute… I wouldn’t recommend paying $8.00 for it, but it is DVD worthy. After the movie we ate at Texas Roadhouse, which is AMAZING! Their food is SO GOOD! I had the best steak ever!! YUM!

Today we are going to play games and chill and watch movies and all the stuff we want because it is VACATION! And we can!

So, I hope my package comes and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

And the vacation begins!

School got out at 11:10 today.. Then, VACATION time started!! I had to go into town to do the last of my shopping, then I was able to come home and relax!! I love my job, I love the kids I work with.. But vacations are SO nice! I get 2 weeks off, which is amazing! And, I’m out of school until January 11th! So, everything is great!

Today, teachers held their classroom Christmas parties. It is so fun to see the kids excited for Christmas. They are excited for Santa, no school, and OF COURSE presents! But, it’s the spirit they have that’s contagious. I feel so much more excited for Christmas now that I’ve partied with some cool kids. One of my students is a Jehovah’s Witness, and I UNDERSTAND that everyone is DIFFERENT… But it is SO hard for him to come to school and listen to all the kids make their wish lists for Santa, play Christmas games, and sing Christmas songs….. and it is SO hard for me to watch him bow his head in disappointment. I did get him a root beer for a “winter prize”… Just because I wanted him to be included somehow. He understands why he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but it is still hard for him to feel okay about not getting gifts and new things. The other kids don’t understand either, which makes things worse.

Well… I am HAPPY to be on VACATION! I do not have plans. I was too poor to fly to visit family, and it’s too scary to drive… So, I’m staying in good ol’ Idaho… But, it should be fun to watch Christmas movies and scrapbook and wrap presents and see Christmas lights and all that stuff!

I’m not complaining about the weather AT ALL… But it is WEIRD that we have NO SNOW… I mean, remember LAST YEAR??? If not, here is a picture to remind you…

snow 08

Christmas time 2008… This year looks NOTHING like this!!!snow 08 2

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where are you Christmas?

I know it’s been quite awhile since I last posted… Some days I just can’t find the energy to blog on top of everything else. With Christmas quickly approaching (and a month long break from graduate school) I figured I’d write something.

The last month has been an emotional one. 5 weeks ago my friend Lori called to tell me her husband (basically my adopted dad), David, was in ICU. He had to have emergency brain surgery to remove an abscess from his brain, and he was (and still is) in critical condition. Because Lori and David are like parents to me, it was an obvious shock! As soon as I could, I made a trip to Utah. I wish I could say the visit was a happy one, but it wasn’t. Sure, I loved seeing Lori and my other Utah friends… but seeing David helpless and vulnerable brought tears to my eyes (and I don’t cry!!) (This is a picture of David one of the days I visited).


One day while I was at the hospital, Lori’s dad and brother-in-law gave David a blessing. The spirit was so strong in the room, I just know David had to feel it. Although I am not a religious person, I know God is listening to each and every prayer for David. David was able to squeeze my hand one time while I was there… He also mouthed “I love you” to Lori, which again made me cry! Since then, he has had 2 more surgeries, a stroke, meningitis, and many complications. He has 3 tubes draining abscesses from his brain. He rarely responds, and when he does it is just a hand squeeze or thumbs up. The doctors removed the breathing tube and replaced it with a trach tube in his throat. Since then he has improved slightly.

Lori’s niece entered them into a secret Santa “contest” in a local radio station (I think 97.1, but don’t quote me)… Well, the radio station gave Lori’s family a nice bunch of gifts including 4 tires for Lori’s van, gift cards, Wii games for Hunter and Morgan, and more. I am SO grateful to this radio station, and Lori’s niece. This family is SO deserving! I went out myself and picked out a few things for Hunter, Morgan, Treavor, and Lori… I wish I could have done more, but I felt like I needed to do something. I’m sure Lori won’t feel up to doing much shopping. I know that all they want is for David to be home… but it is going to be awhile before that happens. I love Lori and David, and I hate that this is happening to them. All I can do is pray, but I want to do SO much more!

I have bought, wrapped, and shipped Christmas… I’ve decorated and sang Christmas songs…. but… I just don’t feel like Christmas. I feel like Cindy Lou Who in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. I feel like Christmas has become all about gifts and commercialism. What about the FEELING of Christmas?

“I'm glad he took our presents. You can't hurt Christmas, Mr. Mayor, because it isn't about the... the gifts or the contest or the fancy lights. That's what Cindy's been trying to tell everyone... and me. I don't need anything more for Christmas than this right here: my family.”

Isn’t Christmas about the spirit and family and togetherness?? I don’t know… It’s 10 days until Christmas, and I just don’t FEEL it… It’s hard to explain…

Well, besides the sadness, I did get to see my friend’s ADORABLE little girl, Vivian… Thanksgiving was enjoyed with cousins (who think I’m awesome), and my semester ended. Grades haven’t come out yet……. but I think I may be stuck with a B this semester. Oh well… I’ll get over it :)

I miss my family. I can’t believe my cute niece Rosie is 9 months old! The last (and only) time I saw her, she was 2 weeks old… I wish I could see all my nieces and nephews open their fun gifts I bought them… but, I can’t. So, I’ll enjoy Christmas with my mom, and HOPE the spirit finds me sooner than later.

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope Christmas finds you!